Thursday, June 26, 2008

Swimming Lessons

In May, I signed Abby up for some swimming lessons. We went twice a week for 5 weeks. The class required that a parent be in the water with the pre-schooler. I took her most times, but Billy went once or twice. I had him go the last class so I could take pictures.

Abby really improved on her water skills. Last year, she really didn't like having her face wet. She would blow a few bubbles, but that was it. In this class she learned to go completely under water, float on her back, and do a front glide. But we've been swimming since the lessons and basically what she learned was to jump in the pool and then get back to the edge to get out. I consider that a success!

The teacher would start with them on the steps, getting them used to the water and being wet.

Waiting for her turn to jump in.

Cutie pie - even soaking wet.

Jumping to daddy. The first time, I didn't use a flash and all that showed up was a green blur. I used the flash so you can actually see her.

Floating on her back. She looks so long. My baby is getting big!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What Have We Been Doing?

Well, we must have been busy, cause it's been quiet on the blog! Sorry about that. Here's an overview of our June (and a little of May)...

We went to a couple of graduations.
This one is our nephew "DA" with his mom and dad.

This is one of our Youth Group guys, Andrew.

My sister had her FORTIETH birthday! I made her a cake that was Gluten-free and sugar-free. It tasted a little better than it sounds. A little.

Sisters at the party!

We also put in our garden.
Abby planting onions.

Billy working hard... on his lunch break.

Abby's all wet after playing in the sprinkler.

Does it get any cuter than this?

Cousin Woody came for a visit and we took him strawberry picking. It was his first time. Boy, was it hot that morning!!
Relaxing in the shade!

We also did a lot of just hanging out.

A couple of my nephews were in a production of "Oliver." They did great!

And last but not least, I ran another 5k last weekend. As you can see, the time is a little better than last time.

Next up, Abby's swimming lessons!!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

How To Eat A S'more

On Memorial Day, we had a bonfire at my sister's house. We love to roast marshmallows and make s'mores.

After making Abby a s'more, she ran off to play with her cousins. We watched her from a distance and at one point, she had a huge piece of chocolate marshmallow hanging off her chin. Her Daddy ran to her with the camera, but it was too late. It fell off before he could get there.

He did catch these photos, though.

#8 Looks like she thoroughly enjoyed it! My favorite is #7. Which one do you like?

Monday, June 02, 2008

Happy Birthday, Little Grandma!

Today is Billy's Grandmother's birthday! She is a petite woman with lots of spunk!

We love you Little Grandma!

This picture was taken in February 2005, a few short months after we returned from China. How little Abby looks!