Monday, April 30, 2007

Easter Egg Hunt

We finally had our church Easter Egg Hunt yesterday. The weather was horrid on Easter weekend, so we post-poned the event until we had some sunshine. Yesterday, after service, the weather was perfect!

Abby wanted to wear her blue dress again (I think this is the third Sunday she's worn it). So even though she "matches" the pictures taken on Easter Sunday, they were taken three weeks apart.

A final picture of the group of children after the hunt. Aren't they sweet?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Personality Quiz

You Are An ISFJ

The Nurturer

You have a strong need to belong, and you're very loyal.
A good listener, you excell at helping others in practical ways.
In your spare time, you enjoy engaging your senses through art, cooking, and music.
You find it easy to be devoted to one person, who you do special things for.

You would make a good interior designer, chef, or child psychologist.

This one came out a little differently than the one we did with our leadership group. I think it's pretty accurate. What do you think?

To Catch Up

Wow! Have we been busy! Between Easter, guest speakers, and a conference I've hardly had a chance to catch up here. I'll try to be concise.

Abby got to go to the zoo with Auntie on the 13th. All the kids had fun and Abby came home with a stuffed giraffe - a small one, thankfully!

Why didn't I go? I was preparing for 5 out-of-town guests coming that day. Only one of them stayed at our house. But they all ate here that Friday evening. They were ministering at our church Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

On Saturday, my sister was hostessing her sister-in-law's Bridal Shower. The wedding is in May and Abby will be the Flower Girl. I'm so excited. And so is Abby. That reminds me, I need to order her rental dress.

Then, after that busy weekend, we left Monday morning for a conference with several members of our church. It was about a 3-and-a-half hour drive down to Marietta. We were there from Monday to Thursday. Abby did great considering she was in meetings a lot and sleeping in a different bed and going to bed late every night. The HO-tel (as Abby called it) had a swimming pool so Abby enjoyed that.

Here's what she was doing some of the time during our meetings:

That's a portable DVD player. She also went to sleep a couple of the sessions. Gotta love it when a kid is flexible!

We also had some free time on Wednesday afternoon and went in search of a playground. After getting directions from three different people (one at the conference, one gas station attendant, and one family pushing a baby in a stroller), an hour later we finally made it to a nice park. They had some cool wooden play things and great swings.

On Thursday, we came home. Friday was spent unpacking and catching up on email and mail and paying bills, etc. Friday evening, we had a family bonfire over at Auntie's house.

Saturday was spent doing yard work as the weather finally decided to be warm and sunny again! Yeah!

Sunday, after teaching Children's Church, I went to a baby shower and then the family gathered for Aria's birthday party. Later, we had another meeting.

Whew! I'm tired just typing all that! Here's what I feel like doing!
Now I have the rest of the week to catch up on laundry and housework. See ya later!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

No, I Haven't Started Binding Her Feet

This is a silly thing that Abby's been doing for quite a while. She puts her little teacups on her feet and walks around. I guess she's practicing how to walk on her toes. Good ballerina training. Or it could be pirate training - peg legs. Hmmm.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Hi-lights

Even though it was COLD on Easter (we had a green Christmas and a white Easter), it was a good day of Celebrating our King!

Here's Abby's Easter dress. I made the bows for her hair the night before. Rachel had some extra blue and white polka dot ribbon and I had the white. They turned out pretty good.
And our little family.

After church, we went to my sister's house for a family dinner. It was a relaxing time and everyone enjoyed the visit. It's amazing that we all live so close together but we rarely are all at the same place at the same time.

Here's Abby with Auntie.

And here's Abby with cousin Aria.

Monday, April 09, 2007

The Long Awaited Day

If you'll remember, Abby was asking about coloring Easter eggs the day we took down our Christmas decorations. Thankfully, she didn't ask about it too often since then. But her day finally came on Saturday.

We were supposed to have a church egg hunt in our back yard. But, since it was snowing and the wind chill temps were in the teens, we decided to post-pone that event until the sun decides to shine again here in Ohio. Here's what it looked like from our back door on Saturday. BRRRRR!!!! We were warm inside, though!

The egg coloring package only came with 3 colors. Three! Blue, green and pink. Last year's came with 9 or so. But it turned out ok and Abby had fun dipping the eggs.

I drew her name with the crayon that comes with the package. Back in "my day" we had to hunt down a white crayon among all our left over art supplies to draw on the egg. Now they include one in every kit. Nifty, eh? I also drew a little zig-zag on this green and blue one. And the stripey one was Billy's attempt at using rubber bands to block out the dye. It kinda works. I think we needed smaller rubber bands.

We all had fun and we can't wait to do it again next year. For now, we're having boiled eggs for breakfast, and egg salad for lunch! :)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Scary Hair!

You know how much Abby loves her trampoline! Daddy put it up for us a couple of weeks ago and took these pictures. He shared the good ones on his blog, but I thought I would share the funny ones! :) Love that hair!

Boots & Bubbles

Abby loves to blow bubbles. And in the last year or so, she's gotten pretty good at it. She also loves her new rainboots. Aren't they cute?

Daddy took lots of photos and I couldn't show just one. Click on the picture to enlarge.
And here's a video of the live action!