Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Celebrating Diversity on MLKJr Day

Yippee!  A planned day off from school.  We got together with some friends to go sledding.  Not just any friends… our international adoption play group.

Disclaimer:  my camera REALLY had a hard time with the bright sun and uber white snow and sky.

When we first got there, Sarah tried out the red sled by herself and went FLYING down the hill.  She almost made it to the trees at the bottom.  (no real danger)  She had gone sledding with her Daddy a few days prior and was comfortable doing it alone.  Well, now the snow was packed and FAST.  She was not ready for that.  She didn’t fall or crash, she just didn’t want to go solo again.  For the rest of the morning, she went down on her belly without a sled or with someone else.

Ready for some down-hill action(Lauren, Angela, Sarah and Abby).sledding girls

Maya maya


The bobsled teamfour going down

“White Mamas”2 gena and me2 stac and heidi

Sarah needs help getting back up the hill.  At one point she was at the bottom of the hill and none of the mamas were down there.  She convinced a teenaged boy to carry her back up.  She had never met him in her life.  Too up the hill


The cushy ride (the one I took down the hill most often!)maya and abby

More help coming back up the hillmore help up the hill

Gena and her daughter Angelagena and angela

The girls all had a blast and were not ready to quit, but we coaxed them with hot chocolate and play-time at our house.  Fun times.


Rachel said...

While I admit that sledding is fun, I don't miss the cold or the snow. :)

Marriana said...

The bit about Sarah having the boy carry her back up the hill made me lol a LOT. I called my roomie over and made her look. (:
Love and miss you all!!!