Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The First Snowman

To start the New Year off right, we got a few inches of clean white snow. Abby and her Daddy went out to play and built a snowman, just her size.

It looks as if she is giving him acupuncture.

Maybe it was the acupuncture, maybe it was the face creator... or maybe it's just me. Is this a Chinese Snowman, or what?

I think I need to try that hat.

Looks good on me, too!
The snowman looks a little put out, don't you think?


Billy said...

We really had a lot of fun out there doing this!

(Sorry again about having a bad attitude about going out in the cold.)

palmtreefanatic said...

chinese indeed! i love it!
Happy new year!

Karen said...

Love it. He's so cute and he does indeed look Chinese! how funny