With only one day to spend on the farm in Kentucky, you have to pack a lot into it.
So, we took a walk through the fields (that’s Sarah and Joey).
Abby found a wooly worm.
Abby lost her second tooth – actually she allowed my cousin Heather to pull it for her. She knew Mama was getting no where close to pulling it. I actually went to the other room while the deed was done. And amazingly enough, the tooth fairy left her a gold dollar under her pillow. (thanks Uncle Chris!)
The kids took a gator ride around the farm.
All this was before lunch! Uncle Chris suggested a trip to his dad’s house to swim in the pool, but then it started raining. We ate lunch and then it cleared a little so we got ready and headed out.
While en route, the storm clouds moved in and it really started pouring. Plan B: wait out the storm while watching Toy Story 3 at the theater! Awesome! The movie was starting in 20 minutes. Perfect timing. Sarah did great – it was her first time in a theater. I was concerned about the scary parts because she has gotten upset at times while watching DVDs at home. But, she was fine.
By the time the movie was over, the storm clouds were almost gone. So we headed to the pool. It was still sprinkling when we got there but no lightening so it was ok to swim.
(Can you stand a few more pool pictures? It feels like that’s all I’m posting these days. I promise not to take my camera next time we go to the pool.)
Hey… the noodle is different. Sarah liked using that as a flotation device to swim across the pool and back.
Abby and a noodle. Those goggles are a permanent fixture on her face while in the pool. She even has the tan lines to prove it!
Sarah flying through the air.
Daddy has one end of the noodle on the water jet inside the pool and so the water squirts out the end. Sarah had great fun with that!
After the pool, we had pizza and baths and went to bed! What a big day. The next day, we got up early and drove back to Ohio.